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A note to Blue Moon clients about the Coronavirus pandemic…

Like so many small businesses, we are adapting to all that is happening around us. Here is how we are dealing with this:

Some disease facts:

  • The virus is spread primarily via respiratory ejections
  • No evidence exists that it is transmissible via food
  • The CDC has recently determined that the likelihood of the disease being spread though touching surfaces on which the virus has been deposited is very small. However, the CDC recommends high levels of sanitation on all surfaces touched regularly.

Daily Operations at our Facility:

Our goal here is to keep our clients and our staff safe. Here are the measures we have taken:

  • All staff washes hands hourly
  • We use hand sanitizer when handwashing is not possible
  • We wear masks on events, and wherever we come in contact with guests
  • We cover coughs and sneezes. We have boxes of tissues everywhere
  • We maintain a 6+ foot personal bubble wherever possible
  • We sanitize work stations between all recipe production (we’ve always done this anyway)
  • Daily sanitization of every surface in our facility that is commonly touched by hands…door handles, light switches, faucets, etc.
  • All sanitizing chemicals used are on the EPA’s list of chemicals known to kill this virus
  • Employees showing symptoms are to stay home (happily…none to date)

Operations on Events (through July 31, 2020):

General – applies to all events

All staff wear masks and gloves at all times

Gloves changed out hourly, and just prior to food service

Each food and beverage display will have a pump hand sanitizer bottle accessible for guest use

Where utensils are provided by BMC, pre-packaged utensils will be utilized

Beverage displays

  • BMC manned
    • BMC staff will handle all supplies and products, handing finished product to guest. Example: at a bar, if a guest wants lime squeezed into his/her cocktail, the Bartender will perform this service for the guest, and hand the finished cocktail and a beverage napkin to the guest
  • Self-service
    • Regular – No additional requirements beyond items listed above
    • Enhanced
      • Any tools utilized by guests will be changed out every 20 minutes
      • A box of latex gloves will be at the display for any guests that may wish to wear gloves to access beverages

Buffets for meals and hors d’oeuvres displays

Clients choose one of the three options below

  • Regular – No additional requirements beyond items listed above
  • Enhanced
    • Any tools utilized by guests will be changed out every 20 minutes
    • A box of latex gloves will be at head of the display for any guests that may wish to wear gloves to access food items
  • Cafeteria-style
    • BMC staff will hand a plate, utensils and napkin to each guest as he/she arrives at buffet
    • BMC staff will portion products for guests and place them on the guests’ plates as they move down the buffet line

BMC recommends that tables be dismissed slowly for dinner, so as to minimize the number of guests accessing the buffet at any given moment

Plated meals, and British Service events

No additional requirements beyond items listed above

Butlered Hors d’oeuvres

Food items will be spread out on pass plates to minimize common touch “zones”. Pass plates will be changed out at every refill

Financial – Enhanced events will have a small fee added to cover costs. Cafeteria-style events require additional staff, thus labor charges will be higher.

Blue Moon Caterers Sales and Administrative Office: 316.612.4694 | 524 South Seneca Street, Wichita KS 67213 |