Blue Moon Caterers offers a wide array of Non-alcoholic Beverages to satisfy your guests:
In most cases, beverages are displayed in bulk at a Beverage Station, and priced to be available in unlimited quantities for the duration of the event. Blue Moon Caterers can offer Coffee in limited quantities to be able to make this available to your guests at a more affordable budget.
For some events, it makes more sense to display beverages in individual portions (usually in bottles), and these are priced by the each.

BEVERAGE STATION - Almost all catered events utilize a Beverage Station where guests approach and select their choice from what is available from an attendant. If there is a Bar at the event, the Non-alcoholic Beverages are served there as it is much more guest-friendly to have all the beverages at one location.
TABLE SERVICE - At upscale events, we often recommend adding Table Service where we offer Non-alcoholic Beverages to guests at the table (typically Iced Tea and Water, but this can be expanded to other offerings as well). It is very common to pre-set tables with Ice Water at upscale events utilizing China serviceware. Additional charges apply for these services.
BUTLERED BEVERAGES - At catered events with Social Hours where guests mingle prior to dinner, Blue Moon Caterers can Butler Beverages, which adds a higher level of hospitality. Typically the beverages served are Specialty Drinks of some sort, either Alcoholic, or Non-alcoholic...or both.
WELCOME BARS - Nothing is as welcoming to a guest than to be greeted at the door with a delicious beverage...and Blue Moon Caterers can create a Welcome Bar for you to make your event even more special.
All our beverage pricing includes disposable serviceware, ice, and any condiments required. Glassware is available for an extra charge.
Blue Moon Caterers Sales and Administrative Office: 316.612.4694 | 524 South Seneca Street, Wichita KS 67213 |