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Blue Moon Caterers charges $43.80 for delivery in the Wichita area, which includes Goddard, Haysville, Park City, Valley Center, Andover, Bel Aire, Maize, Kechi, Andale, Colwich, and Derby. This fee covers all transportation needs to an event (no matter how many people or vehicles are required) and will be listed on any quote sent to a client where delivery is part of the services required. If there is a need to return at a later time for a pick up, or another trip of some sort is required, then there is a similar $43.80 fee for that as well.

For geographic areas beyond those listed above, Blue Moon Caterers calculates travel fees as follows:
• $19.50 per travel hour for each person traveling
• $1.10 per mile both ways per vehicle required

We work to plan out of town events in a way to minimize staff requirements in order to keep travel costs as low as possible.

Blue Moon Caterers Sales and Administrative Office: 316.612.4694 | 524 South Seneca Street, Wichita KS 67213 |